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Download Vince Ferguson's "Get Ready! Get Set! Get Fit! (A Guide to Developing Youth Fitness)" 

This book not only informs parents, guardians, and caregivers about what they can do to help their children get fit but to also challenges them to take responsibility for the fitness of their children.


The information in Get Ready, Get Set, Get Fit! isn’t based solely on studies and research, but also on my over 25 years of experience working with children. The one thing all children have in common is that they like to have fun! What better way to help kids become healthy than by making fitness fun? So download your free copy today and help your kids Get Ready! Get Set! Get Fit!

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Child obesity around the world has reached alarming levels. An estimated 41 million children under 5 years old are either obese or overweight as of 2014, and the epidemic is hitting developing nations especially hard.


The total number of obese young children in countries in Asia and Africa now outnumber those in wealthier nations like the U.S., and those numbers are growing rapidly, according to a new report from the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity.


The study, which was commissioned by the World Health Organization, found that 48% of obese and overweight children under 5 years old lived in Asia and 25% in Africa as of 2014. In addition, the total number of overweight or obese young children in Africa nearly doubled over the past 24 years, increasing to 10.3 million from 5.4 million. For comparison, the U.S. has actually been able to curb the number of obese children aged 2 to 5 years, bringing the percentage down to 8.4% in 2012 from 13.9% in 2004 nationwide. “Obesity ranks up there as one of the biggest issues, and it is preventable,” said Miriam Nelson, director of the John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention at Tufts University. “You don’t necessarily want to pit one disease against another–there’s still major concerns about tuberculosis and HIV in many nations. But, obesity will be an enormous burden on these children as they get older.”


Children who are obese are very likely to remain obese as an adult, putting them at higher risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and asthma. However, the effects go beyond the health risks and can lead to social discrimination and low self-esteem.


“Obesity impacts a child’s quality of life as they face a wide range of barriers, including physical, psychological, and health consequences,” said Sania Nishtar, a doctor and Commission co-chair. “We know that obesity can impact education attainment, too.” 

More than a third of U.S. adults are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control. And in 2008, this epidemic cost the country an estimated $147 billion dollars. Obesity is a serious, and very new, public health challenge. If you work in healthcare, this is a situation that cannot be ignored. This collection of resources is intended to be a useful supplement for public health professionals and students struggling to get a grip on the obesity crisis in America.

Here are links to resources we feel have valuable information to help you navigate and learn more about this epidemic. Check back often as we will update these links periodically.

Public Health Obesity Resources

More than a third of U.S. adults are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control. And in 2008, this epidemic cost the country an estimated $147 billion dollars. Obesity is a serious, and very new, public health challenge. If you work in healthcare, this is a situation that cannot be ignored. This collection of resources is intended to be a useful supplement for public health professionals and students struggling to get a grip on the obesity crisis in America.


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The foundation has made a huge investment to address childhood obesity in the U.S. - $500 million. Their website has links to a wide range of obesity resources and research.


State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America 

The State of Obesity is the 12th annual report produced by TFAH and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, with support by a grant from RWJF. This edition includes annual rates and rankings of adult obesity and obesity rate trends by ethnicity, region, age, gender, education and income.


The Prevention and Public Health Fund: For A Healthier America

Prevention saves lives, reduces health care costs, and makes the country a healthier, more productive place. More than half of Americans live with at least one serious preventable health condition, like diabetes or heart disease, which forces taxpayers to spend billions of dollars a year on health care. And, today’s children are in danger of becoming the first generation in American history to live shorter, less healthy lives than their parents. The Prevention and Public Health Fund enables communities around the country to invest in proven strategies to improve health. That’s why the Fund has the support of more than 760 national, state and local organizations.


American Diabetes Association 

The American Diabetes Association is fighting against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fighting for those affected by diabetes. The Association funds research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes; delivers services to hundreds of communities; and provides information.


American Obesity Society

The Obesity Society is one of the leading scientific societies dedicated to the study of obesity. Since its foundation in 1982, The Obesity Society has been committed to encouraging research on the causes and treatment of obesity, and to keeping the medical community and public informed of new advances.


Campaign to End Obesity

Through engagement with and education of policymakers, public awareness initiatives and collaborative programs between and among leading stakeholders, CEO will work to identify and facilitate the changes needed to battle obesity, perhaps the leading public health emergency facing our nation today.


CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity

CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity (DNPAO) takes a public health approach to address the role of nutrition and physical activity in improving the public's health and preventing and controlling chronic diseases. The scope of DNPAO activities includes epidemiological and behavioral research, surveillance, training and education, intervention development, health promotion and leadership, policy and environmental change, communication and social marketing, and partnership development.


Drug Abuse Statistics

The one-size-fits-all approach is outdated and ineffective. The context around each person’s addiction is unique, so it requires a tailored approach that can dynamically address the root cause of their addiction. For each client that is admitted into our program, we use their personal background, family history, and current environment to design a customized treatment protocol.


Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

The Kaiser Family Foundation is a non-profit, private operating foundation, focusing on the major health care issues facing the U.S. Their three major focus points are policy analysis and research, acting as a clearinghouse for public health and policy information, and developing and running large-scale public health information campaigns in the United States and around the world.


National Profile of Local Health Departments 

The purpose of the 2013 National Profile of Local Health Departments (Profile) study was to develop a comprehensive and accurate description of LHD infrastructure and practice. Data from the Profile study are used by many people and organizations. For example, LHD staff members use the data to compare their LHD or those within their states to others nationwide; data are used to inform public health policy at the local, state, and federal levels and can support projects to improve local public health practice; and data are used in universities to educate future public health workforce members about LHDs and by researchers to address questions about public health practice.


National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity

NANA advocates national policies and programs to promote healthy eating and physical activity to help reduce the illnesses, disabilities, premature deaths, and costs caused by diet- and inactivity-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.


National Association of County and City Health Officials

NACCHO supports efforts that protect and improve the health of all people and all communities by promoting national policy, developing resources and programs, seeking health equity, and supporting effective local public health practice and systems.


National Institute of Health Obesity Research

The NIH Obesity Research Strategic Plan provides a guide for coordinating obesity research activities across the NIH and for enhancing the development of new research efforts.


Obesity Prevention Source from the Harvard School of Public Health

The Obesity Prevention Source is an in-depth resource for all who seek to understand the causes of obesity—and to reverse the epidemic of obesity in children and adults. Policy and environmental changes are the foundation of obesity prevention. Our goal is to inform and empower people with science-based information about what can and must be done to prevent adult and childhood obesity; to help those who are overweight achieve a healthier weight; and ultimately, to turn back the obesity epidemic’s global spread.


STOP Obesity Alliance at George Washington University

A coalition of consumer, provider, government, labor, business, health insurers and quality-of-care organizations.


U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s Division of Adolescent and School Health

CDC's Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) seeks to prevent the most serious health risk behaviors among children, adolescents and young adults.


World Health Organization

WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.

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